Friday, September 10, 2010

huge update

so many of you if not all of you already know that becky is in the hospital in the icu at the uw medical center and its not looking too good both her liver and kidneys are failing her blood pressure is close to non exsistant without the help of medicine which is keeping it up her blood sugar is also freakishly low so they give her sugar water through an iv today is 9/10/10 they put in a pic line which is basically an iv but through the chest which eliminates all the poking in her arms she wakes up every so often and in severe dire pain so she mostly sleeps at some point this weekend she will be getting a dialasys cathater to hopefully cycle all the bad toxins out of her blood to pump back in to hopefully make the kidneys work again she is becoming to be more aware of things which is a good sign seeing that when she first went in she had thought it was 6 months ago and was thinking the hospice was there to see gram irene and then started to worry about getting wedding stuff done she is now at the point where she says she wants to go home but doesnt fully recognize that she cant because she is too critically sick but overall nothing has gotten any better its just progressively gotten worse i realize that siri and cori cant but if anyone feels the need to come up or anything we are at the uw medical center in the east wing on the 5th floor in the icu...keep her in your prayers

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